Toro Mai to ringa, ki ngā kete o te wānanga

Reaching out to the realms of Māori knowledge

About Toro Mai

Join us on a guided journey of learning to deepen your understanding and awareness of Māori knowledge. Toro Mai offers two introductory online courses in Te Reo Māori and Tikanga Māori. These are taught via an immersive multi-media online platform with interactive activities. They are approximately 10 hours each and can be studied at your own pace. These courses are not accredited – there are no costs involved, no assignments and no exams.

Register your interest in Toro Mai and we will let you know when you can start the online courses.

Te Reo Māori Course

The Te Reo Māori course will enable learners to more readily use Te Reo Māori at home and in everyday situations.

Topics include:

  • Ngā Mihimihi (Meet and greet)
  • Te Whānau (Family)
  • Te Kai (Food)
  • Ngā Hararei (Holidays)
  • Ngā Hākinakina (Sports)
  • Te Hauora (Māori vitality and wellbeing)
  • Te Kāinga (Home)
  • Te Mahi (Work)
Tikanga Māori Course

The Tikanga Māori course gives emphasis to Te Ao Māori (The Māori World).

Topics include:

  • Ngā Kōrero Pūrakau (ancient Māori narratives)
  • Kaupapa, Tikanga, Kawa (Māori cultural principles, practices and rituals)
  • Te Hauora (Māori vitality and wellbeing)
  • Te Ao Hurihuri (dynamics of the modern Māori world)

Meet our kaiarahi (guides)

Professor Meihana Durie


Meihana is Head of Te Pūtahi-a-Toi (School of Māori Knowledge) and Professor of Māori Knowledge. His teaching and research background spans across Te Reo Māori, Tikanga Māori, Mātauranga Māori, Māori Education and Māori Health. Meihana contributes to a range of kaupapa that give emphasis to Māori vitality, cultural identity and achievement.

Associate Professor Scotty Morrison


Scotty is a Professor of Te Reo Māori at Te Pūtahi-a-Toi (School of Māori Knowledge). In addition to many years teaching and lecturing in Te Reo, he has published extensively in the area of Te Reo Māori useage and acquisition, including bestselling language guides Māori Made Easy and Māori at Home. Scotty is a veteran Te Reo Māori broadcaster on both television and radio and holds a number of appointments contibuting to the advancement of Te Reo Māori.

Stacey Morrison


Stacey is based in Te Pūtahi-a-Toi (School of Māori Knowledge) where her work explores new pathways for whānau and community-centred learning. Stacey has immense experience in Māori and mainstream broadcasting on televison and radion both as a presenter and political commentator. She has published on whānau-centred useage of Te Reo Māori and holds a range of appointments, including ambassador roles for a number of causes.

Study Online With Massey University

Massey University is a leader in online and borderless education. More than 330,000 people from all over the world have studied via distance with us. We hope you will be encouraged to continue your journey on completion of Toro Mai. Further studies in Te Reo Māori and Māori studies are offered both on-campus and online by Te Pūtahi-a-Toi (the School of Māori Knowledge) at Massey University. FIND OUT MORE