Community Services & Support Groups in Australia to help you in your time of need. Whether it’s domestic violence, addiction or sexual health, they are here for you.
Youth & Women’s Services in Australia
If you find yourself in a relationship or situation in which you feel unsafe, there are a number of women’s and youth services available in Australia that can offer accommodation and support, counselling and domestic violence advice. However, should you feel as if you are in immediate physical danger, be sure to contact the Police on 000 for police attendance.
New South Wales
The Domestic Violence Helpline is a telephone counselling service run by the NSW state government for people experiencing domestic violence, and can refer you to refuges, shelters and other resources.
Phone: 1800 656 463
The Come In Youth Resource Centre is a resource centre aimed at young people and addressing issues of homelessness, youth mental health, and addiction, and provides assistance with education, employment and training.
461-463 Oxford Street
Phone: (02) 9331 2691 or 1800 249 740
Headspace is an Australian youth mental health initiative which focuses on providing mental health services to 12 – 25 years, with several branches in Sydney.
Phone (Camperdown): (02) 9114 4100
DVConnect is a statewide domestic violence service in Queensland, which can provide telephone counselling, crisis intervention, and referrals to emergency refuge and shelters.
Phone (Womensline): 1800 811 811
Phone (Mensline): 1800 600 636
The Young Parents Programs are run by the Department of Social Services and can offer resources such as access to playgrounds and parent groups and donated baby and young child supplies, as well as access to other services and programs.
PO Box 573
Phone: (07) 4771 4349
Headspace is an Australian youth mental health initiative which focuses on providing mental health services to 12 – 25 years, with branches in Southport and Meadowbrook.
Phone (Southport): (07) 5509 5900
Phone (Meadowbrook): (07) 3804 4200
South Australia
CrisisCare is a telephone service that offers information and counselling for people in crisis situations which can include domestic violence, child wellbeing or homelessness. Crisis Care can help you access various shelters and services in South Australia
Phone: 13 16 11
The SA Regional Domestic Violence Service provides a telephone line for counselling and support in relation to domestic and family violence.
Phone (business hours): 1800 800 098 or 1300 782 200
Phone (after hours): 1800 003 308
The Uniting Communities Family and Relationship Counselling service offers individual and couple counselling and family violence counselling focusing on family violence.
Family and Relationship Counselling, Uniting Communities
1st Floor, 10 Pitt Street
Phone: (08) 8202 5190
Centrecare is a non-profit organisation that provides a range of services, and can provide accommodation and support services to women who have or are experiencing domestic violence.
Phone: (08) 8210 8200
SafeSteps is a Victorian domestic violence organisation for people experiencing domestic violence, and can refer you to refuges, shelters and other resources. They also run a 24/7 domestic violence helpline.
Phone: 1800 015 188
Oxygen is a youth mental health program based in Melbourne, Victoria which offers clinic services and education to people aged 15 – 25 years of age. To access this service, you will need a referral.
Phone: 1800 888 320
Western Australia
Crisis Care is a telephone service that offers information and counselling for people in crisis situations which can include domestic violence, child wellbeing or homelessness. Crisis Care can help you access various shelters and services in Western Australia.
Phone: (08) 9223 1111
Centrecare is a non-profit organisation that offers a wide range of outreach services in Perth, including counselling, women’s shelters and mediation services.
456 Hay Street
Phone: (08) 9325 6644
YouthLink is a mental health organisation for 13 – 24 year olds that provides mental health counselling, consultations and training in relation to trauma, grief, alcohol and drug use and relationships.
223 James Street
Phone: 1300 362 569
The Youth Legal Service is a non-profit organisation that provides legal services to under 25’s.
1st Floor, 138 Murray Street
Phone: (08) 9202 1688
Sexual Health Services in Australia
Sexual health services can offer you resources such as sexual health clinics, contraception, STI testing and sexual assault and unplanned pregnancy counselling and services. These can be valuable resources in keeping yourself healthy, and you should feel free to utilise these as much as you need to. These services offer safe, non-judgemental spaces in which to seek help.
New South Wales
Family Planning NSW
Family Planning NSW is a non-profit organisation that offers assistance in relation to contraception, pregnancy options and services, STIs and sexual health clinics. They have five clinics, located in Ashfield, Dubbo, Fairfield, Newcastle and Penrith, which all bulk bill (be sure to bring your Medicare card with you).
Phone: 1300 658 886
Sydney Sexual Health Centre
Sydney Sexual Health Centre is a non-profit organisation that provides free STI testing and clinics.
Level 3
Nightingale Wing, Sydney Hospital
Macquarie Street
Phone: 9328 7440
The Sexual Assault Hotline
A telephone service for people who have experienced sexual assault, and can provide counselling and referrals.
Phone: (02) 9819 6565 or 1800 424 017
Family Planning Queensland
Family Planning Queensland is a non-profit organisation that provides reproductive health care services, and has clinics in Brisbane, Cairns, Ipswich, Rockhampton and Toowoomba for a small fee.
230 Lutwyche Road
Phone (clinic appointments): (07) 3250 0200
South Australia
A non-profit organisation which provides services and education focusing on sexual health and relationships. SHine SA focuses primarily on under 35’s, with clinics located in Woodville, Davoren Park, Hillcrest, Noarlunga and Oaklands Park.
Phone (appointments for clinic or counselling services): 1300 794 584
Sexual Healthline: 1300 883 793
Clinic 275
Clinic 275 offers free STI testing and treatment, with multiple clinics throughout South Australia.
1st Floor, 275 North Terrace
Phone: (08) 8222 5075
Yarrow Place
Yarrow Place is a health agency which deals with sexual assault, and can provide advice and referrals.
Level 2, 55 King William Road
Phone: (08) 9226 8777
Emergency or after-hours phone: (08) 8226 8787
The Victorian Centres Against Sexual Assault runs the Sexual Assault Crisis Line, which provides a telephone counselling service for legal and medical information and crisis response for people who have experienced sexual assault.
Phone: 1800 806 292
Family Planning Victoria is a non-profit, pro-choice organisation which focuses on sexual and reproductive health care, education and advocacy. They run sexual health clinics and education campaigns in the community.
Sexual Health Advice line phone (over 25’s): (03) 9257 0116
Action Centre (under 25’s): (03) 9660 4700 or 1800 013 952
Western Australia
Sexual and Reproductive Health WA – Main Office
Sexual and Reproductive Health WA (SRHWA) is a non-profit organisation that offers a range of contraception, STI testing and unplanned pregnancy resources, as well as clinics aimed at people under 25.
70 Roe Street
Phone: (08) 9227 6177
Sexual Health Helpline
Phone: (08) 9227 6178
Quarry Health Centre for Under 25’s
170 Aberdeen Street
Phone: (08) 9227 1444
Sexual Assault Resource Centre
The Sexual Assault Resource Centre provides services to all people over the age of 13 who have been sexually assaulted or sexually abused, including a 24 hour emergency service, free counselling and education.
Office: (08) 9340 1820
Crisis Line: (08) 9340 1828
Addiction Services in Australia
If you have a drug, alcohol or other addiction, there is a wide variety of addiction resources available in each state that can help you manage your addiction.
New South Wales
Alcohol and Drug Information Service
The Alcohol and Drug Information Service (“ADIS”) provides a 24/7 telephone helpline that can offer information, advice and referrals on inpatient detox services, needle exchange programs and methadone services.
Phone: (02) 9361 8000 or 1800 422 599
The NSW Drug and Alcohol Specialist Advisory Service
Provides a 24 hour telephone service staffed by health professionals.
Phone: (02) 9361 8006
SMART Recovery
SMART Recovery is a free program offering support and therapy in relation to drug, alcohol, cigarette, gambling and shopping addictions.
Suite 150, 3rd Floor
416-418 Pitt Street
Phone: (02) 9373 5100
Alcohol and Drug Information Service
The Alcohol and Drug Information Service (“ADIS”) provides a 24/7 telephone helpline that can offer information, advice and referrals on inpatient detox services, needle exchange programs and methadone services.
Phone: 1800 177 833 or 13 432 584
Alcohol and Drug Foundation Queensland
The Alcohol and Drug Foundation Queensland (“ADFQ”) is a non-profit organisation that deals with drug, alcohol and gambling addictions, with many locations throughout Queensland, and runs counselling, rehabilitation and community support initiatives in the community.
PO Box 332
Phone: (07) 3834 0200
The Anglicare “Amend” program
A program that is aimed at pregnant and women with children in relation to drugs, alcohol and mental health issues, and provides counselling and parenting resources.
Phone: 1300 114 397
The Bridges Drugs and Alcohol Treatment Service
A community-based service dealing with drugs and alcohol which works with people and medical professionals to develop addiction treatment plans. To access this service, you will need to have a referral.
Phone: 1300 707 655
South Australia
The Drugs and Alcohol Services South Australia is a state government program which provides numerous addiction resources, including counselling and referrals, information and education. This program also runs the Alcohol and Drug Information Service. The Alcohol and Drug Information Service (“ADIS”) provides a 24/7 telephone helpline that can offer information, advice and referrals on inpatient detox services, needle exchange programs and methadone services.
Phone: 1300 131 340
Alcoholics Anonymous South Australia is a non-profit organisation that offers information, group support meetings and a telephone help line. They run a 24 hour telephone counselling service.
Phone: 1300 22 22 22 or (08) 8227 0334
Gambling Help Services is a gambling addiction help line.
Phone: 1800 060 757
Directline is a 24 hour telephone service which provides counselling, information and referral services in relation to drugs and alcohol, and is staffed by counsellors.
Phone: 1800 888 236
Alcoholics Anonymous is a non-profit organisation that offers information, group support meetings and a telephone help line.
Phone: (03) 9429 1833
Syringe Helpline provides information in relation to needle and syringe programs throughout Victoria.
Phone: 1800 552 355
Gambler’s Help is a telephone counselling and referral service for people with gambling addiction.
Phone: 1800 858 858
Western Australia
Drug and Alcohol Office
The Drug and Alcohol Office is a WA government organisation that can offer education, training and help to people with drug addiction.
7 Field Street
Phone: (08) 9370 0333
Narcotics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous is a non-profit organisation that offers a 12-step program to help manage drug addictions, with the goal of being drug-free.
Information Service: 1800 198 024
Information Service for parents: 1800 653 203
Fresh Start
Fresh Start is a non-profit addiction service that focuses on breaking the cycle of addiction through focusing on the physical health, housing, relationships, empowerment and exit of the individuals within their programs.
65 Townshend Road
Phone: (08) 9381 1333
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous is a non-profit organisation that offers information, group support meetings and a telephone help line.
Central Service Office, Room 10
Claisebrook Lotteries House
33 Moore Street
Phone: 1300 222 222 or (08) 9325 3566
Cyrenian House
Cyrenian House is a non-profit organisation that offers therapy programs, including residential programs.
PO Box 149
Phone: (08) 9227 7431
Page updated 30/08/2024
Moving to Australia
- Banking Options
- Childcare & Early Learning
- Community Services
- Credit Checks
- Driver Licence
- Financial Support
- Getting Connected
- Giving Birth
- Healthcare in Australia
- Insurance
- Legal System
- Marriage Relationships
- Pension Eligibility
- Police Check
- Renting Advice
- Responsible Service of Alcohol
- School Years
- Tax in Australia
- What to Bring
- Working With Children Check