Government Benefits – NZ and Australia
We all need some help sometimes! Whether it’s because you’ve been injured, just had a baby or can’t work anymore, most of the time the government is able to “fill the gap” until you’re back on your feet. But when you leave New Zealand, this might not be the case. Australia has some complicated rules surrounding payment of benefits to non-citizens, and it will depend on your visa/residency status to figure out what you’re eligible for.
Keep in mind that you may be able to continue to claim benefits in New Zealand that you were already receiving for up to 26 weeks after you leave! This can make your transition to life in Australia easier, but make sure to check with the relevant government department before you leave.
You may also be able to continue to receive New Zealand benefits while in Australia, or New Zealand may meet part of your entitlements while Australia meets the remainder – it all depends on your personal circumstances. This doesn’t include the Jobseeker Support or Emergency Benefit, the Young Parent Payment, or the Sole Parent Support payment.
Ultimately though, you may find it difficult to get assistance from the Australian government – they have some fairly rigid rules and requirements for receiving benefits from Centrelink. So it’s important to be well informed and prepared when applying – a little knowledge can be a powerful thing, especially when it comes to knowing your entitlements and what you’re eligible for. And hopefully, we can put you on the right track!
Centrelink and Kiwis – What Is It and How Does It Work?
Let’s start with the basics – the Australian agency that is responsible for government benefits and payments is called Centrelink, it is part of the Department of Human Services (now Services Australia). Centrelink is a typical government department – there are some long waiting times and trying to speak to someone on the phone is an exercise in patience. So don’t expect anything to happen quickly – it’s best to start the Centrelink process before it’s “needed”, as it can take quite some time for anything to come through or be sorted. Try to be as organised as possible with Centrelink – these waiting times means that forgetting a document or missing an appointment can mean that you’ll be rescheduled – sometimes weeks later.
To apply for a Centrelink payment, you will most probably need to attend a Centrelink office, especially if this is your first time – again, for any visit to Centrelink, plan to spend a while there. They will give you a Centrelink number (CRN), which will mean that most of the time, you will be able to use the online portal via myGOV. They will ask for all kinds of information, which can include (but isn’t limited to) 100 points of ID, bank statements, information about property you own, information about any children you’re applying for benefits for (including birth certificates), information about where you’re living, who you live with, and your income.
This information is necessary because many Australian government benefits are income and assets tested – which means that should you have too many assets (e.g. property in Australia or New Zealand) or earn too much, your payments may be reduced or you may not be classified as eligible to receive any payments.
Australian Government Assistance for Kiwis in Australia
Now, here’s when your visa/residency status comes in (see our VISAS AND RESIDENCY section if you’re not sure what kind of visa you have) – Australia and New Zealand have something called a “reciprocal agreement” (or the International Social Security Agreement), which means that from 2002, Kiwis in Australia on a Special Category Visa (both Protected and Non-Protected) could access the Age Pension, the Disability Support Pension (if “severely” disabled) and the Carer Payment (if you are caring for someone that receives the Disability Support Payment).
Kiwis with a Protected SCV have access to a wider range of Australian government benefits than those on a Non-Protected SCV, so the below is mostly aimed at those on a Non-Protected SCV. However, all these payments have specific requirements, some of which are the same as in New Zealand. We have outlined the requirements briefly below, but you may need to seek advice from a welfare advocate centre or social worker if you have trouble with the Centrelink process, which can be tailored specifically to your situation.
Government Assistance in Australia – Available to Most
There is a short list of benefits that Kiwis in Australia may be entitled to claim – so it doesn’t matter how you’re in Australia or what kind of visa you’re on, you will still be able to access these payments. Most of these payments have to do with having children in Australia. These include:
- The Family Tax Benefit;
- Newborn Upfront Payment or Newborn Supplement (this forms part of the Family Tax Benefit);
- Child Care Subsidy; and
- Double Orphan Pension.
There are two cards you may be eligible for based on your residency status, the Low Income Health Care Card & the Seniors Health Card.
Other Government Assistance Payments
These are, of course, not all the payments that the Australian government provides to Kiwis – however, this does cover most of the big ones. Most of the others are highly circumstantial and you would need to take into consideration your personal situation and speak to Centrelink to see if you would be eligible – but they are definitely worth looking into! These can include:
- Parental Leave Pay (after the birth of a child);
- Special Benefit payment;
- Rent Assistance payment;
- Newborn supplement.
Age Pension for Kiwis in Australia
The Age Pension in Australia is roughly equivalent to NZ Superannuation. To qualify for the Age Pension, you must meet the following requirements:
- Be at least 67 years old (the qualifying age is gradually increasing to 67).
- Have been an Australian resident for at least 10 years, with at least 5 of those years being continuous.
Under the Australia-New Zealand Social Security Agreement, periods of time spent in both Australia and New Zealand between the ages of 20 and 64 can be combined to meet the residency requirement. For example, if you spent 2 years in New Zealand and 8 years in Australia, you may qualify.
Additionally, you must have entered Australia on a New Zealand passport under the Special Category Visa (SCV) to be eligible.
Asset/Income Testing
The Age Pension in Australia is subject to both income and asset testing, unlike NZ Superannuation, which is not means tested. To qualify for the Age Pension, you must meet these tests:
- Income Test: Your income must be below a certain threshold to qualify for the full Age Pension. If your income exceeds this threshold, the amount of pension you receive may be reduced. Income includes wages, investments, and other sources.
- Asset Test: Your assets must also be below a specific limit to qualify for the full Age Pension. If your assets exceed this limit, your pension may be reduced or you may not qualify for any Age Pension. Assets include property (excluding your primary residence), savings, and other investments.
The Age Pension is designed to provide financial support to those with limited financial resources, and both income and asset levels are considered in determining eligibility and payment amounts.
Disability Support Pension in Australia
To claim the Disability Support Pension (DSP) in Australia, you must be classified by the Australian government as “severely disabled.” This can include a physical, psychiatric, or intellectual disability. To qualify, you must be unable to engage in work for more than 15 hours a week at or above the minimum wage, even with participation in a rehabilitation program over the next two years.
The DSP generally requires you to have been an Australian resident for at least 10 years, with at least 5 of those years being continuous. While time spent living in New Zealand can sometimes count toward this residency requirement under the Australia-New Zealand Social Security Agreement, this is typically assessed on a case-by-case basis.
You must have become “severely disabled” while residing in either Australia or New Zealand to qualify.
It’s important to note that receiving an Invalid’s Benefit in New Zealand does not automatically entitle you to the Disability Support Pension in Australia. Centrelink will independently assess your eligibility based on Australian criteria at the time you apply.
Carer’s Pension in Australia
To receive the Carer Payment in Australia, you must be the primary carer for someone who is receiving the Disability Support Pension or another qualifying payment. As a New Zealand citizen, you must meet the general residency requirements, which typically include having lived in Australia for a total of two years. Time spent living in New Zealand may count toward this residency requirement under the Australia-New Zealand Social Security Agreement, depending on your specific circumstances.
Frequently Asked Questions
So where do I start?
You can start right here! We’ve outlined a few of the payments available to Kiwis in Australia – unfortunately, some types of assistance aren’t available to Kiwis unless you hold a specific type of visa or have been here for a certain amount of time. Once you’ve got a vague idea of what’s available, you’ll be in a better position to talk to Centrelink about what you need.
I just lost my job – can the Australian government help while I look for a new one?
New Zealand citizens living in Australia may receive government support like the JobSeeker Payment while looking for a job, but typically only after meeting specific residency and waiting period requirements. If you’re newly arrived in Australia or haven’t been there long, access to unemployment benefits may be limited or unavailable.
I’m having a baby – will the Australian government help at all?
As a New Zealand citizen living in Australia, you may be eligible for financial support like the Family Tax Benefit, Parental Leave Pay, and the Paid Parental Leave Scheme. However, eligibility often depends on your visa status, how long you’ve been living in Australia, and whether you meet specific work and income tests. If you’ve lived in Australia for a significant period or meet the other criteria, you should be able to access some financial assistance from the Australian government during your pregnancy and after your baby is born.
Is it easy to get government payments in Australia?
Getting government payments in Australia as a New Zealand citizen can be straightforward in some cases but challenging in others, depending on various factors such as your visa status, how long you’ve lived in Australia, and the specific type of payment you are seeking.
Easy to Get: Payments like the Family Tax Benefit, Child Care Subsidy, and access to Medicare are generally easier for New Zealand citizens to obtain, provided you meet the income and residency criteria.
Challenging to Get: Income support payments like JobSeeker Payment or Youth Allowance are more difficult to access due to the 10-year residency requirement and potential waiting periods.
I already receive payments from the NZ government – can I continue to receive these while living in Australia?
You may be able to continue receiving certain New Zealand benefits while living in Australia, but this is typically limited to specific payments like Superannuation and Veteran’s Pensions, or for a temporary period. Most other benefits will cease after a certain period, and you may need to transition to Australian benefits depending on your eligibility.
Page updated 26/08/2024
Moving to Australia
- Banking Options
- Childcare & Early Learning
- Community Services
- Credit Checks
- Driver Licence
- Financial Support
- Getting Connected
- Giving Birth
- Healthcare in Australia
- Insurance
- Legal System
- Marriage Relationships
- Pension Eligibility
- Police Check
- Renting Advice
- Responsible Service of Alcohol
- School Years
- Tax in Australia
- What to Bring
- Working With Children Check