The Australian and New Zealand governments agreed the Trans-Tasman Retirement Savings Portability Scheme to allow someone who has retirement savings in both Australia and New Zealand to consolidate their savings into one account in the country where they currently live.

It’s important to understand that once you transfer your KiwiSaver into First Super, it can only be transferred to another KiwiSaver-accepting fund in Australia. Many superfunds in Australia do not accept KiwiSavers. You cannot transfer your KiwiSaver to an SMSF.

If you return to New Zealand permanently, you may transfer your KiwiSaver from Australia back to another KiwiSaver fund in New Zealand.

If you’re not a First Super member and want to join online click on the button below.


To transfer your KiwiSaver scheme savings across to First Super, you must:

  • Be (or become) a First Super member*
  • Have an Australian Tax File Number (TFN)
  • Provide your home address in Australia
  • Transfer your whole KiwiSaver balance
  • Tell your New Zealand KiwiSaver fund you want to transfer your KiwiSaver to Australia. You will need to complete their KiwiSaver transfer form and fulfil any of the fund’s requirements.**
  • Send the paperwork to or mail First Super, PO Box 666, South Carlton, VIC 3053.

*If you’re not a First Super member, you will need to join First Super to get your member number before starting the transfer. You can start the joining process here or contact our Member Services Team for help.

**You will need to check with your KiwiSaver fund to see if they will charge any fees for transferring funds on your behalf.


Once First Super receives your paperwork and the transfer of your KiwiSaver is completed, we will send you a letter to confirm:

  • that we received the roll-in and the date we received the funds
  • the total funds received from your KiwiSaver.


You will need an Australian tax file number (TFN) to transfer your retirement savings to an Australian super fund. If you don’t have one yet, you can apply for one from the Australian Taxation Office website.

You may only transfer retirement savings between a complying super fund regulated by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) and a New Zealand KiwiSaver scheme. First Super is a complying super fund.

You must transfer the entire balance of your KiwiSaver account when you transfer to an Australian fund. Under current rules, if your total Australian super balance is above $1.9 million, you won’t be able to transfer your KiwiSaver balance to Australia.

Limits to how much you can transfer

The limit on how much you can transfer from a KiwiSaver scheme to an Australian super fund depends on your non-concessional contributions cap. From July 2021 the non-concessional cap is $110,000 per year, or $330,000 if you are under age 75 by triggering the bring-forward rule. There are limits on this if you have more than $1.9 million in super.

First Super will treat your contributions as non-concessional (personal) contributions. So they will be subject to the non-concessional contributions cap. If you exceed the cap, you will be liable for excess contributions tax.

Rules for the transferred funds

Once your KiwiSaver scheme savings are transferred to your Australian super fund, they are generally subject to Australia’s superannuation rules.

Some rules apply only to the money transferred from a KiwiSaver scheme and held in an Australian super fund, for example:

  • it can only be transferred to, and held in, a complying super fund (such as First Super) that is regulated by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA)
  • it cannot be transferred to a self-managed super fund
  • it cannot be transferred to a third country
  • the KiwiSaver portion of the account must remain with First Super and can be accessed only when the member reaches New Zealand’s retirement age (currently age 65).


Retirement savings you transfer to Australia from New Zealand are held in your super account in two parts:

  • the New Zealand-sourced component
  • the Australian-sourced component

To access the Australian-sourced component, you will need to meet one of the ‘conditions of release’, generally reaching your preservation age.

The most common conditions of release for paying benefits are that the member:

  • has reached their preservation age and retires
  • has reached their preservation age and begins a transition-to-retirement income stream
  • finishes employment on or after the age of 60
  • is 65 years of age (even if they haven’t retired).

To access the New Zealand-sourced component of your super account, you will need to reach the New Zealand age of retirement (currently 65).


Is there a limit to how much I can transfer from New Zealand to my Australian Super Fund?

The limit on how much you can transfer from a KiwiSaver scheme to an Australian super fund depends on your non-concessional contributions cap. This is $110,000 for the 2023-24 financial year or $330,000 if you are under age 75 by triggering the bring-forward rule. There are limits on this if you have more than $1.9 million in super.
First Super will treat your contributions as non-concessional (personal) contributions. So they will be subject to the non-concessional contributions cap. If you exceed the cap, you will be liable for excess contributions tax.

If I do a KiwiSaver transfer to Australia, what does it mean for me in terms of income tax on the transferred monies?

A transfer from a New Zealand KiwiSaver scheme to a participating Australian super fund is not taxed. You can also withdraw the funds tax-free from your super account once you’re legally allowed to access them.
Any savings you transfer to an Australian super fund are not tax deductible as a personal contribution.

Transfers are not eligible personal contributions for the purpose of receiving the super co-contribution for low-income earners.
Transfers are also not eligible for a spouse contribution tax offset.

If I transfer my KiwiSaver savings to my First Super account, can I use that money to access the First Home Super Saver Scheme (FHSS)?

Certain KiwiSaver and other foreign fund transfer amounts are eligible contributions for calculating your maximum FHSS release amounts. For more information see the Australian Taxation Office’s (ATO) Guidance Note 2018/1 First home super saver scheme.
Ultimately, the decision about whether your KiwiSaver savings are eligible for the FHSS Scheme rests with the ATO. First Super isn’t able to make this decision or provide any advice as to whether or not you can access the FHSS Scheme with money transferred from a KiwiSaver scheme.

What happens if I leave my savings in my KiwiSaver Scheme?

If you have moved to Australia, you can leave your New Zealand retirement savings in your KiwiSaver scheme. Transferring your KiwiSaver account to an Australian super fund is totally up to you.

If you are no longer a New Zealand tax resident, be aware that your KiwiSaver investment earnings will be taxed at 28%. If you move your money to an Australian fund that accepts KiwiSaver transfers, your earnings will be taxed at only 15%.

Any contributions you make to your KiwiSaver account while living in Australia will not be eligible for member tax credits in New Zealand.

If I transfer my KiwiSaver savings to an Australian super fund, when can I access them?

You can access the New Zealand part of your savings when you reach New Zealand’s retirement age, currently age 65. Any investment earnings on these KiwiSaver funds, plus the contributions made while in Australia, will be subject to all Australian rules regarding access to your super savings.

What happens to my retirement savings if I move back to New Zealand?

If you move back permanently to New Zealand, you can transfer your retirement savings back to New Zealand too. There are no limits to how much you can transfer from an Australian super fund to a New Zealand KiwiSaver scheme. However, again, you must transfer the whole balance of your Australian super fund account

How long does it take to transfer my KiwiSaver to First Super?

It can take approximately 4-6 weeks to transfer your KiwiSaver account into your First Super account. Our Member Services Team will work with you and your KiwiSaver fund to speed up the process.

If you have any questions, call our Member Services Team on 1300 360 988 or complete a call back request.

Can I switch my employer contributions to First Super?

Yes. After becoming a member, you can switch your employer contributions (SG contributions) to your First Super account. To nominate First Super as your choice of fund, please complete the Choice of fund form and give it to your boss.

If you have any questions, call our Member Services Team on 1300 360 988 or complete a call back request.

How do I move my other Australian super accounts to First Super?

If you have more than one Australian super account, you’re paying multiple sets of fees. This can eat away at your super savings and leave you with less for retirement.

To combine* all your super accounts, you can:

  • Log into your firstonline account and go straight to ‘Find and combine Lost Super’ from the ‘My Transactions’ section.
  • If you have any questions, speak to our Member Services Team on 1300 360 988.

*Before deciding to combine super balances, you should consider any change to insurance cover or loss of benefits that may apply and, if necessary, consult a qualified financial advisor.

What if I don’t have an Australian Tax File Number?

You will need an Australian tax file number (TFN) to transfer your retirement savings to an Australian super fund. If you don’t have a TFN, you can apply for one from the Australian Taxation Office website.

Can I transfer my KiwiSaver to any super fund in Australia?

No, you cannot transfer your KiwiSaver to any Australian super fund or SMSF.

You may only transfer the KiwiSaver component of your account balance to another complying super fund that accepts KiwiSaver transfers. There are only a handful of superannuation funds in Australia which accept KiwiSaver Transfer, of which First Super is one.

 These restrictions do not apply to your Australian Superannuation. You may transfer your Australian Superannuation to another Australian super fund or SMSF.

Can I transfer my KiwiSaver to a third country?

No. You can’t transfer your KiwiSaver to a third country

This is a sponsored advertising promotion by First Super Pty Limited (ABN 42 053 498 472, AFSL 223988) as trustee of First Super (ABN 56 286 625 181).

This document contains general advice which has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider whether the advice is appropriate for you and read the Product Disclosure Statement before making any investment decisions.  To obtain a copy of the PDS or Target Market Determination please contact First Super on 1300 360 988 or visit our website